One Platform for All HDR Planning Needs
SagiPlan® ensures that all body sites can be planned from the same software environment. SagiPlan® is a complete system solution including DICOM import and export, manual and automatic contouring, image registration, manual and automatic reconstruction of applicators, inverse optimization and comprehensive plan evaluation tools.
Interactive Real-Time Planning of the Prostate
The Prostate Module is an additional software module which is seamlessly integrated into SagiPlan®. Transversal and longitudinal Trans Rectal Ultrasound (TRUS) live image streams can be used for real-time online planning.
In both transversal and longitudinal mode, it is possible to fuse the live TRUS images with pretreatment datasets like CT, TRUS and weighted MRI for an optimal view of the targeted areas. This feature will provide great added value if focal prostate therapy is utilized. The digital frame grabber guarantees a seamless connection to the ultrasound system for best image quality.
The correct needle positions are easy to locate by using automatic angle recognition with angle Position feedback. Needle placement guidance on live TRUS images, real-time isodose calculation, and real-time dose volume histogram evaluation, facilitate state-of-the-art prostate HDR treatment.
- Supports all kinds of reconstruction techniques (without images, 2D, 3D including fusion)
- Interactive real-time planning of the prostate included
User-Friendly and Intuitive
User Defaults
SagiPlan® is a very user-friendly and intuitive treatment planning system. Users can set up the system to their own preferences and save them as User Defaults. Furthermore, the toolbar, screen layouts, treatment and reporting parameters are customizable and can be stored and then recalled at any moment during the planning process.
Applicator List
The Applicator List represents the library of all Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG and Mick® HDR Applicators and allows the fast implementation of a user defined selection of applicators, ovoids, and shields thanks to the quick search feature. Since a 3D model of the applicator’s geometry is available in the library, the reconstruction is fast, easy, and very accurate. Furthermore, SagiPlan® provides an algorithm for the automatic reconstruction of non-rigid applicators.
Plan Template List
With the Plan Templates, the workflow is further improved. This module allows to quickly create new treatment plans by managing different plan templates for a specific application which can be selected using the quick search function. The Plan Template contains of 3D arrangement of rigid applicators and control points, and provides entire source dwell position information.
Treatment Defaults
Additionally, treatment specific parameters can be administered as Treatment Defaults. A Treatment Default is a collection of treatment specific properties and settings such as structure names, histogram parameters, fractionation schemes, and auto contouring settings. The Treatment Default can be loaded at any time during the planning process to speed up the process and to ensure the consistency of prescribing and reporting.
- Full applicator database for fast reconstruction
- Application Manager for quick creation of new treatrment plans
- Customizable treatment setups for different body sites
Precise, Targeted and Conformal
Precision and Accuracy with SagiPlan®
SagiPlan® allows for precise and accurate reconstruction through features like automatic applicator reconstruction, placement and the Plan Template List features. The Plan Templates and automatic contouring support an accurate, precise, and expedited planning process.
A better accuracy is also achieved by a dose calculation explicitly adapted for the Valencia Applicator.
Targeting Tumor Volume while Sparing Normal Tissues
Dose planning is accurate and fast, following the unique shape of the tumor for each individual patient. Various tools including manual dose shaping, geometrical optimization, and inverse optimization enable a reliable control of the target coverage.
The automated dwell time calculation is performed using the fast simulated annealing algorithm. This method is based on dose objectives assigned to different structures with definable weights.
Dose targets can also be specified in BED or EQD2 exclusively in SagiPlan®.
Conformal Tumor Control
Conformal brachytherapy planning utilizes sophisticated computer technologies such as CT scans, MRI images, and ultrasound images, or their combination, to view tumors in three dimensions. With superior tumor imaging, patient treatment plans can be created with greater precision.
The image registration functionality supports modern image guided brachytherapy, specifically for prostate treatment. Three different registration modes are available to transform various image sequences: manual, landmark, and automatic. Image fusion display allows to show two image sequences simultaneously and the synchronized plan comparison feature gives the user the opportunity to select the best conformal plan for tumor control.
- Calculation based on TG-43 update 1
- Applicator and shielding material considered
- Inverse planning – Fast Simulated Annealing Algorithm
Full and Flexible Connectivity
Full DICOM import and export functionalities allow for seamless integration of the SagiPlan® system in hospital networks.
The virtual licensing mechanism of SagiPlan® offers an agile way of working. It facilitates centralized and distributed planning. Whether in the hospital, a partnering clinic, or remotely, SagiPlan® seamlessly distributes treatment plans. And with the system to secure the data to prevent for double access, plans can be processed anywhere and are stored in a centralized patient database.
As time plays a critical role in modern healthcare, SagiPlan® is designed to make the entire planning process faster and easier. The DICOM Query and Retrieve feature allows for fast data transfer from imaging devices and the electronic signature with DICOM Plan Approval provides additional confidence during the planning and treatment process.
- Integrated DICOM SCP (service class provider)
- DICOM RT import and export
Comprehensive Plan Evaluation
Dose Volume Histograms
Dose volume histograms are available in natural, differential, and cumulative representation. These graphs, as well as the histogram parameters window, are updated in real-time during the planning process. The values for the different histogram parameters are displayed in different colors to show compliance with predefined planning goals. Applicator volumes can be included or excluded from dose volume histograms and calculations. These features enable a quick and precise plan evaluation.
Multiple Plan Comparison
SagiPlan® provides a synchronized plan comparison feature, which allows to overlay dose distributions from different plans for simultaneous evaluation. DVH parameters can be presented and analyzed for up to four plans at the same time.
BED and EQD2
The biologically effective dose, total BED, equivalent dose for 2 Gy fractions and total EQD2 are calculated per volume of interest or control point. The calculation is based on the individually defined α/β ratios for each organ or control point and the fractionation scheme for both, external beam radiation and brachytherapy plans. A BED/EQD2 value for any structural volume is also possible for summation plans. SagiPlan® is the only radiation planning software for brachytherapy that allows inverse planning based on BED and EQD2 parameters.
3D Visualization
The 3D visualization enables a review of the complete application setup with applicators, isodose clouds, surface doses, volumes of interest, and anatomical structures. The highly customizable 3D view is available during the entire planning process.
Comprehensive Reporting Functionalities
All planning parameters and evaluation details are stored and available for instant access. With the help of the dose prescription protocol, changes in treatment planning can be easily tracked. The SagiPlan® reporting tool can be customized to fulfill individual documentation requirements.
- BED and EQD2 calculation takes into account dose from external radiation as well as different fractions
- Complete dose volume histograms